Monday, August 18, 2008

xMAN commandline

Here is the xMAN how to from Tao Liu

Text formatted bpmap may not be processed by MAT directly. You need to convert your text bpmap to a so-called 'plainseq' format. Please type 'xMAN' without any argument to see the usage for detail.

And here is the commandline used to generate bpmap for fruitfly:

xMAN -f bpmap -i Dm_tiling2_MR_v01.bpmap -s Dm_tiling2_MR_v01.stderr -o Dm_tiling2_MR_v01_dm3 --nro=Dm_tiling2_MR_v01_dm3_all.NR --maxSeqCopy=10 --ProbeResolution=35 dm3/all/*.fa

The input file is a binary bpmap downloaded from affy website. And I put all the genome sequence files in dm3/all/ directory. Please remember to add '-nro' argument. After the run, the file 'Dm_tiling2_MR_v01_dm3_all.NR.bpmap' can be used by MAT.

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