Monday, May 29, 2006

Reservation and affirmative action - some thoughts on implimentation

The idea is to discuss some feasible ways to impliment affirmative
action and also let the talents flurish. Moreover, the ways to tackle
"creamy layer" inside the SC/ST/OBC community who are taking unfair
advantage of the system is considered.

1) Affirmative action is necessary.

The socially and economically backward class has a right to join the
forefront of the society and taste the fruits of progress country has
made in last 50 yrs. This is important for a balanced growth and
healthy society.

2) Affirmative action should be implemented on the basis of economic
well-being and edicational level

Indian society has been troubled enough by the caste system. As a
secular nation implementing any steps on the basis of caste or
religion is against our constitution, so is the quotas based on caste.
It will divide the nation.

Instead, it is the level of education and economic well-being that
should be taken into consideration.

Students whose parents are not educated up to a college graduate level
and not earning enough should be give "free" school and college
education regardless of their caste or religion.
On the other hand, How can a person who finished an MBBS or a BE
(technology) could be considered backward class? Thus, quotas in
higher education (post graduate studies) should be restricted (see

3) Quotas on job:

It is possible that even in the 21st century the educated person is
discriminated against because of their caste, but it is getting less
and less likely due to healthy private sector and cut-throat
compitition where talent is the only way. If the government wishes so
- they can have quotas in the job in govt. sector. Decision making in
Private enterprises should be private and should not be pressured by

4) Restricting the creamy layer.

It is impossible to have everybody taking advantage of the affirmative
action at the same time and it is also impossible to stop some
families from falling to poverty. So it is very hard to put a stop as
to when affirmative action should end. But it is equally important to
stop the creamy layer from taking unfair advantage of the quota

Instead, an SC/ST/OBC candidate should be given choices. Once in his
life time he can choose between having the affirmative action in
favour of him for Post graduate studies or his first job. The
affirmative action should stop there.
Similaraly children of educated parents (college graduate) should not
be able to take advantage of affirmative action after 3 generations of
their forefathers having utilized it . Though, economic aid should be
allowed to all those in need.

5) Caste and religion based advantages should be strictly forbidden
and constitution should be restored to remove reservation.

By the rights given to us in our constitution all indian are equal
irrespective of their caste or religion and this should be respected.
Reservation was a temporary measure and constitution was amended for
allowing it. Thus, it should be restored. Again, affirmative action is
important but it should not be the birth right on any individual.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Future Shock

Wisdomless Politicians
Meritless Admissions

Meaningless Curriculums
Substance less Examinations

Faculty less Departments
Student less Colleges

VC less Universities
Knowledgeless Society

Developmentless Nation
Into that hell of gloomdom

My Father, let my country
go to Sleep
let my country go to Sleep.....

Poem by BR Natarajan BITS Pilani