Sunday, September 28, 2008

changing newline character from Mac to *nix


while (<>) {

$_ =~ s/\015/\012/gs;
print $_;


Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Pakistan Govt and a new prophecy

I predicted on May 22 2007 that Pervez Mussharraf presidency in Pakistan has only few days to count. It did happen 9 months later. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. This included assassination of Benzair Bhutto, removel of Mussharaf as an army chief as well as president and election of Zardari as a new president with PPP in the helm of Pakistani government.

The Mr. 10% would certainly be supporting US policies in the south east asia. But he has tough task ahead with an economic meltdown in US as well as pakistani economy, resurgence of Taliban and slow but steady march of Pakistan to be the failed state.

With the elections due in US, if Barack Obama becomes president, Pakistan would have a tough time stoping the terrorists to enter Indian valley of Kashmir. Under McCain administration, one can assume the same failed Bush policies to continue.

Future of Pakistan under Zardari.

Option 1: Economy metls down completely and further Islamization of Pakistan and assassination of the president/prime minister.

Option 2: I don't see it ! I keep watching after the new US president swrons in.